Friday is Tie Day


Day 18 of MakerSquare.

All sorts of things going on today, with a half-hour delay due to the weather. Practiced using Git in new ways to collaborate in preparation for the hackathon. In the afternoon, we used YouTube’s API to populate fields in our MyTube web application just based on the video’s ID.

And if that wasn’t enough, we watched this video on the projector.

Instead of starting to wind down at 4 pm today, we instead started our first hackathon. My group, Team CEE Low [it’s an acronym thing], is working on Text-spiration, a service from which people receive inspirational text messages daily. Users will be able to select from a category of messages and a time of day to receive said message.Everything on the backend seemed cut-and-dry, but after we got to work following dinner, things didn’t look so clear. It probably won’t be easy, but I’m looking forward to doing what I signed up for: building stuff. 

Check this space for sporadic messages from the trenches and tune in on Monday night for a recap.

Conquerors: the cold, foreign keys, deceptive design, traffic at 11pm, Twilio

Conquered: teamwork, catching up on SAGA, Tie Day!