⚠️ This project has been superceded by my participation in the Bradfield Computer Science Intensive ⚠️
Following the curriculum suggested at Teach Yourself CS, I’ve started the necessary work of filling in the gaps of my knowledge. This project page serves as a table of contents and repository of my work completed and subjects studied.
] and emacs setupWeek 1: Labs & Homework
Week 2: Labs & Homework
Week 3: Labs & Homework
Week 4: Labs & Homework
Week 5: Labs & Homework
Project 2: Code
Week 6: wip
Week 7: Labs & Homework
Week 8: Labs & Homework
Week 9: Labs & Homework, wip
Text: The Elements of Computer Systems, by Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken
Lectures: Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris, Coursera