0. Completed the entire “Web Fundamentals” Track on Codecademy
1. Completed the “Ruby in 100 Minutes” Tutorial
2. Completed the “Ruby” Track on Codecademy
3. Completed the “Ruby Primer” Course on RubyMonk
4. Completed Terminal Basics
5. Complete through Exercise 11 “Moving a File” of the “Learn Code the Hard Way” Book
6. Completed the JavaScript Track by Codecademy
7. Completed “Try jQuery” by CodeSchool
8. Completed all of “jQuery” by Codecademy
This was the necessary prework ahead of MakerSquare. I’m looking forward to the day when I can comfortably and clearly explain everything that I have learned through these sites. For now, though, it’s lots of sketching, experimenting, doc reading, and staring thoughtfully at irb.
On the other hand, I think there will be still be lots of sketching, experimenting, doc reading, and staring thoughtfully at irb for years to come.