Day 8 at MakerSquare.
Came across this image and it’s fairly representative of my learning experiences of the day, specifically the “No” and the choppiness.
Back-end: Introduction to rspec and test-/build-driven design. Follow along with the code during the lecture, take notes, work through the lesson. All good. Sit down to write my own tests and, well, see above image.
Front-end: More Javascript, specifically jQuery functions. Same story as the morning: follow along, take notes, work through the lesson, but sit down to do my own and …no.
In the evening, we had a lecture on providing business value using Ruby and Sinatra from some gents who work at Datafiniti. Props to them for coming in late and bringing up USAF Col. Boyd’s OODA loop.
Conqueror: Rpsec, jQuery functions, plateaus, rooster tail [a.k.a. wet ass from cycling]
Conquered: finding a Ruby gem written by a dorm mate from undergrad, meeting a CMU alum briefly, getting lots of good points during a Q & A
disorientation via @StarWarsDotGif